Friday, November 25, 2011

Another Successful Diabetes Clinic

November is Diabetes Month. Our Diabetes Clinic on last Saturday November 19th was another huge success. The clinic was sponsored by Lifescan, the maker of OneTouch Ultra2 meters. There were originally 7 appointments and all were taken up in a week. We opened 2 more spots and both were taken up soon after.

All our participants had a one-on-one diabetes education session with a RD/CDE, which took about 1/2 hour for each patient. Everyone learned about how to manage their condition with proper nutrition and blood glucose monitoring. All participants walked away with knowledge and a "Company's Coming Diabetic Dinner" cookbook!

We also provided a free sample of our gluten-free, low-glycemic whole grain, Cavena Naked Oats and a copy of the diabetes edition of Alive magazine to each participant. Special thanks to Anne Clark from Lifescan and Laurel, RD/CDE for spending the time with our patients.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Second Annual Diabetes Clinic is This Saturday, November 19th

This Saturday, November 19th is our 2nd annual Diabetes Clinic. We are completely booked! Our patients will have a chance to sit down with a Certified Diabetes Educator (and she is a Registered Dietitian as well) one on one in a private setting to go over dietary issues.

This clinic is sponsored by Lifescan, the maker of OneTouch Ultra meters.

Cancer Prevention Seminar, Our BIGGEST Seminar Ever!

Our Cancer Prevention Seminar on September 15th was a huge success! Over 2 dozen participants came to learn about how nutrition and lifestyle change can help prevent one of the most deadly diseases in modern society.

Nelson spent 2 hours on the topic and all the participants were absolutely stunned about the negative health effects from processed foods and what fresh, organic foods can do to help prevent cancer. He was so involved with our participants he almost missed his train to go back to Toronto!

I'd like to thank Nelson for taking the time to come to Woodstock and Melissa from Body Plus for providing goodie bags to all our participants.